If you’re looking for compound bows or recursive bows, our experts can help you determine what equipment is best for your needs. We’ll guide you on the pros and cons of each bow and outline what you can generally expect from each.
The staff at our shop must know the ins and outs and archery because if our staff can’t answer questions with knowledge and care, they aren’t reaching the level of expertise we demand of those we hire.
We offer lessons for not just advanced archers but also beginners. With eight lanes at our Central Park location, our 30-yard indoor archery range is a great place for lessons and the public to hone their skills. Our lessons cost $50 per hour, and we offer rentals starting at $7 each hour.
How long can a bow be left strung?
How long can a bow be left strung?
If you want to get the best and longest use from your bow, you must learn how to take care of it properly, and part of caring for your bow is knowing how long you can leave it strung without doing any damage.
The best answer to this question is to unstring your longbow or wooden recurve bow whenever you have finished using it, but when they are made of synthetic materials, you can get away with leaving them strung for three weeks. Meanwhile, compound bows can be strung indefinitely, but it is still ideal to unstring your bow after each use.
Modern materials make the bows much stronger and resistant to fatigue, so synthetic materials allow you to leave your bow strung, but it still is good to have good habits around your bow, particularly if you have other bows that are made of wood or composite materials.
What are the five rules of archery?
There are many safety rules that you should keep in mind when you are learning or practicing archery. These are non-negotiable. While there are many safety tips you should keep in mind, here are five of the top rules you should follow.
- Always make sure that you are shooting in a safe environment and that you do not nock your arrow when you are not in a safe environment. A safe environment means that you are aware of your surroundings and what is around your target. You are also aware of what is happening around you before you shoot.
- Protection is important. Having an arm guard and finger protection is a great way to keep yourself safe and able to do more shooting.
- Do not dry fire a bow, which means that you should never let go of the bowstring when you have not nocked an arrow). You can hurt yourself if you do this or damage the bow.
- Don’t let your emotions get the best of you and never use substances while shooting an arrow. When you’re in an altered state, whether that is because of heightened emotions like anger or mind-altering substances like alcohol or drugs, you need to be safe first. Make sure you don’t let your mood overpower you, and never shoot an arrow when you’ve used substances like alcohol. Even if you think you are lucid enough to do so, alcohol and drugs impair your response and motor skills.
- Never point your arrow at another person. Even if you are doing so in jest, someone can easily get hurt if an accident happens.
Is it better to restring a bow or buy a new one?
This is a matter of personal judgment. How often you have to replace your string will change based on factors like how often you shoot, what kind of bow you are using, and the types of arrows you shoot. However, there are signs that indicate you may need a new string. For example, frayed, dry, or fuzzy strings should be replaced. Generally, manufacturers say that strings should be swapped after two to three years, but don’t just assume two or three years will be right for you because even environmental conditions like humidity can wear down your string